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The instrumental work in what Frontierer tends to release is pure insanity. If you’re a fan of either Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza or Glass Cloud, Fronierer is definitely for you.



The honesty and passion found in Sirius’ music is a great escape from mainstream hip-hop. Despite any changes in his sound, Sirius has always been able to keep things honest in his music which has earned him positive attention but he deserves more.  



Being a horrorcore beatdown band, their music certainly suits those looking for something unsettling. One of the few bands to be able to make their own sound in the realm of beatdown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbMV_-Hq0fs

Little Brother

Little Brother

Little Brother is an acoustic project that produces fairly simple but heartwrenching songs. This one is for those hopeless romantics out there.



Keyes tends to release music that might seem on the softer side at first but after a listen or two one can realize the emotional power behind their work. A great album to chuck on before bed on a quiet night.

The Sleeping

The Sleeping

The Sleeping was a band definitely ahead of its time. The Sleeping was an older version of many bands likely to be found on Blue Swan Records today. Their songs are filled with varying moods that flow together brilliantly.